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IEEE C62.23 1995


IEEE Application Guide for Surge Protection of Electric Generating Plants

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IEEE 1995 51
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New IEEE Standard – Active. This standard consolidates most electric utility power industry practices, accepted theories, existing standards/guides, definitions, and technical references as they specifically pertain to surge protection of electric power generating plants. Where technical information is not readily available, guidance is provided to aid toward proper surge protection and to reduce interference to communication, control, and protection circuits due to surges and other overvoltages. It has to be recognized that this application guide approaches the subject of surge protection from a common or generalized application viewpoint. Complex applications of surge protection practices may require specialized study by experienced engineers.

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3 Introduction
7 IEEE Application Guide for Surge Protection of Electric Generating Plants
1. Overview
8 Figure 1— Power generating plant block diagram
9 Figure 2— Power generating plant simplified one-line diagram
2. References
12 3. Definitions
3.1 back flashover: A flashover of insulation resulting from a lightning stroke to part of a netw…
3.2 counterpoise: A conductor or system of conductors arranged beneath the line; located on, abov…
3.3 coupling factor: The ratio of the induced voltage to the inducing voltage on parallel conduct…
3.4 coupling wire: A conductor attached to the transmission line structure and below the phase wi…
3.5 ground potential rise: The voltage that a station grounding grid may attain relative to a dis…
3.6 overhead groundwire (lightning protection): Grounded wire or wires placed above phase conduct…
3.7 remote earth (potential): The location outside the influence of local grounds. Always assumed…
3.8 shielding angle: The angle between a vertical line through the overhead ground wire and a lin…
3.9 shield wire (electromagnetic fields): A wire employed to reduce the effects on electric suppl…
3.10 GPR: Acronym for ground potential rise. See: 3.5.
4. Power lines
4.1 Scope
13 4.2 Protection of transmission lines
4.2.1 Direct lightning strokes
14 Figure 3— Stroke current diverted to ground Overhead groundwires and coupling wires
15 Figure 4— A guide for EHV line shielding angles proposed by Armstrong and Whitehead
16 Figure 5— Probability of shielding failure versus shielding angle between grounds
17 Tower footing resistance Counterpoise wires
18 Surge arresters—transmission lines High towers Unshielded lines
4.2.2 Switching surges
19 a) Surge arresters
b) Breakers with closing resistors (see [B29])
c) Shunt reactors and potential transformers (see [B48])
d) Operating restrictions
e) Shorter lines by adding intermediate switching stations
f) Breaker timing
4.3 Protection of distribution lines
4.3.1 Lightning strokes
20 Figure 6— Switching surge strength for tower window gaps
21 4.3.2 Switching surges
4.3.3 Ferroresonance
4.3.4 Arrester selection
4.3.5 Shielding
22 5. Switchyard
5.1 Scope
5.2 Equipment protection
5.2.1 Direct lightning stroke protection of switchyard equipment
23 5.2.2 Incoming surges from transmission and distribution lines Protection of directly connected equipment
a) Shunt reactors. Internal winding failures in shunt reactors can be considered catastrophic. Th…
b) Insulated power cables. Breakdown of cable insulation requires extensive outage for repair at …
c) Coupling capacitor voltage transformers (CCVTs). The capacitor stack of a CCVT is generally co…
d) Wave traps. In general, no phase-to-ground protection is provided for this equipment since fla…
e) Voltage and wound-type current transformers. Internal winding flashovers usually result in per…
f) Disconnecting switches. No surge protection is recommended here, since most flashovers to grou…
g) Circuit breakers. Closed circuit breakers are usually protected by their proximity to the surg…
h) Transformers. The most effective location of surge arresters is at the terminals of the transf…
5.2.3 Internally generated surges
24 Transformer energization Transformer de-energization Reactor switching Capacitor switching Line faults De-energizing bus sections with disconnects
25 Energizing potential transformers Line switching
5.3 Controls/Communication
5.3.1 Direct lightning strokes
5.3.2 Incoming surges Control systems
26 Communication systems
a) Fiber-optic communication systems. Fiber optic cables with nonmetallic armor or strength membe…
b) Twisted-pair communication systems. One way to reduce the effect between two different earth- …
c) Coaxial cable lines. Coaxial cable lines are subject to two possible hazards from surge curren…
d) Computer communication lines. Computer data lines are either twisted pair or coaxial in nature…
5.3.3 Internally generated surges Control systems Communication systems
27 Electrostatic discharge Power requirements
5.3.4 Ground potential rise
28 Communication and power circuit coupling
a) H-field coupling (electromagnetic). H-field coupling is significant when power and telecommuni…
b) E-field coupling (electrostatic). E-field coupling is significant only when data and communica… Lightning-induced voltages in control cables
29 5.3.5 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) Coupled and radiated EMI Sources of interference
30 Levels of transient noise
31 Circuits and devices at risk Protective measures and devices for EMI Effect on EMI by proper grounding in switchyards Coupling capacitor voltage transformers (CCVTs) Cable shielding, grounding, and routing
32 Protective devices Communication circuit protection Shielding, grounding, and penetration of control buildings Shielding
33 Grounding
a) Single-point guidelines for a multipoint grounding system. To establish an interference-free r…
b) Safety grounding requirements. A single connection between the power distribution system to th…
c) Communication lines. The radial grounding connections to computer, communication, and control …
d) Penetrations—other miscellaneous utilities. Water lines that provide convenience facilities to…
6. Power plant
6.1 Scope
34 6.2 Equipment protection
6.2.1 Direct lightning strokes Indoor equipment Outdoor equipment
6.2.2 Incoming surges Sources of incoming surges
35 Protection of equipment from incoming surges Transformers Rotating machines Switchgear Controls, instrumentation, and telecommunications equipment
6.2.3 Internally generated surges Sources of internally generated surges
36 Capacitance switching Fault interruption by a vacuum interrupter or fuse Insulation breakdown Motor switching
37 Protection of equipment from internally generated surges Rotating machinery Transformers (other than the unit auxiliaries and start-up transformer) Switchgear, motor control centers, and other distribution buses
6.2.4 Ground potential rise
6.3 Controls/Communication
6.3.1 Direct lightning strokes
38 6.3.2 Incoming surges Characteristics of incoming surges Coupling of incoming surges Protection
6.3.3 Internally generated surges
39 Control systems Control equipment Communication equipment
6.3.4 Ground potential rise
6.3.5 EMI
40 Coupled and radiated EMI Sources of interference Levels of transient noise
41 Circuits and devices at risk Protective measures and devices for EMI Effect of grounding on EMI
42 Shielding, grounding, and routing of cables Protective devices Communication circuit protection Shielding and grounding of power plant buildings Shielding
43 Grounding
a) Single-point guidelines for a multipoint grounding system. To establish an interference-free g…
b) Communication lines. Grounding connections for communication circuits should be physically bro…
7. Remote ancillary facilities
7.1 Scope
7.2 Indoor equipment
7.3 Outdoor equipment
a) Surges are induced on the underground cable and are conducted to the motor through the power c…
b) Lightning strikes in the vicinity of the motors elevate the ground potential, and therefore th…
44 Annex A—Soil resistivity
Table A1— Soil resistivity
45 Annex B—Bibliography
[B1] AIEE Committee Report, “A Method of Estimating Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines,”…
[B2] AIEE Committee Report, “Switching Surges—Part I—Phase to Ground Voltages,” AIEE Transactions…
[B3] AIEE General Systems Subcommittee, “Power System Overvoltages Produced by Faults and Switchi…
[B4] EEI Publication No. 68-900, EHV Transmission Line Reference Book. Washington, DC: Edison Ele…
[B5] EPRI EL-2982, Project 1359-2, “Measurement and Characterization of Substation Electromagneti…
[B6] FIPS Publication 94, “Guideline on Electrical Power for ADP Installations,” National Institu…
[B7] IEEE P998/D5, Draft Guide For Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations.
[B8] IEEE Committee Report No. 77-8L0100-8-PWR, “Bibliography on Insulator Contamination.”
[B9] IEEE Committee Report (IEEE Power Systems Communication Committee), “A Guide for the Protect…
[B10] IEEE Committee Report, “A Simplified Method for Estimating Lightning Performance of Transmi…
[B11] IEEE Committee Report, “Switching Surges—Part II—Selection of Typical Waves for Insulation …
[B12] IEEE Committee Report, “Switching Surges—Part III—Field and Analyzer Results for Transmissi…
[B13] IEEE Interim Report (IEEE Power Systems Communication Committee), “The Isolation Concept fo…
[B14] IEEE Interim Report (IEEE Power Systems Communication Committee), “The Neutralizing Transfo…
46 [B15] IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, “Summary of the Guide for the Grounding of Instrument…
[B16] IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, “Voltage Surges in Relay Control Circuits, Interim Re…
[B17] IEEE Surge-Protective Devices Committee, “Bibliography on Power Generating Plants Surge Pro…
[B18] IEEE Task Force Report, “Investigations and Evaluation of Lightning Protective Methods for …
[B19] IEEE Task Force Report, “Investigations and Evaluation of Lightning Protective Methods for …
[B20] IEEE Tutorial Course 79 EH0144-6 PWR, “Surge Protection in Power Systems,” Chapter 5, pp. 6…
[B21] NUREG/CR-2252, National Thunderstorm Frequencies for the Contiguous United States. Ashevill…
[B22] Allen, J. E. and Waldorf, S. K., “Arcing Ground Test on a Normally Ungrounded 13-kV 3-Phase…
[B23] Amchin, H. K. and Curto, R. T., “Switching Surge Voltages Due to the Interruption of Transf…
[B24] Anderson, J. G., Johnson, I. B., Price, W. S., and Schlomann, R. H., “1956 Lightning Field …
[B25] Armstrong, H. R., DeVerka, E. F., and Stoelding H. O., “Impulse Studies on Distribution Lin…
[B26] Armstrong, H. R. and Whitehead, E. R., “Field and Analytical Studies of Transmission Line S…
[B27] Armstrong, H. R. and Whitehead, E. R., “A Lightning Stroke Pathfinder,” IEEE Transactions o…
[B28] Azuma, H. and Kawai, M., “Design and Performance of Unbalanced Insulation in Double Circuit…
[B29] Bankoske, J. W. and Wagner, C. L., “Evaluation of Surge Suppression Resistors in High Volta…
[B30] Bewley, L. V., Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems, 2nd ed., Chapter 10. New York: John…
47 [B31] Block, R. The Grounds for Lightning and EMP Protection. Polyphaser Corporation, Oct. 1987.
[B32] Boehne, E. W., Gaibrois, G. L., Koch, R. E., and Mikulecky, H. W., “Coordination of Lightni…
[B33] Boijaud, A., Jecko, B., and Reixex, A., “Electromagnetic Pulse Penetration into Reinforced-…
[B34] Booth, W. H., Niebuhr, W. D., Rocamora, R. G., and Wasilowski, R. B., “The Analysis And Pre…
[B35] Borgvall, T., et al., “Voltages in Substation Control Cables during Switching Operations,” …
[B36] Brown, G. W. and Thunander, S., “Frequency of Distribution Arrester Discharge Currents Due …
[B37] Buschart, R. J., “Computer Grounding and the National Electrical Code,” IEEE Transactions o…
[B38] Caldecott, R., et al., “HVDC Converter Station Tests in the 0.1 to 5 MHz Frequency Range,” …
[B39] Caswell, R. W., Griscom, S. B., et al., “Five Year Field Investigation of Lightning Effects…
[B40] Caswell, R. W., Johnson, I. B., et al., “Lightning Performance of 138 kV Twin Circuit Trans…
[B41] Chadwick, J. W., “Proposed IEEE Surge Withstand Capability Test for Solid-State Relays,” in…
[B42] Champiot, G. G., “Disturbances Produced by Transceivers and Walkie-Talkies,” Electra, no. 8…
[B43] Champiot, G. G. and Agostini, J. C., “Electromagnetic Environment in a PWR Power Plant,” in…
[B44] Chesworth, E. T., “Electromagnetic Interference Control in Structures and Buildings,” EMC T…
[B45] Chung, H-Y. and Moore, L.E., “Field Measurements of Transient Voltages on the Control Circu…
[B46] Clayton, J. M. and Hileman, A. R., “A Method of Estimating Lightning Performance of Distrib…
48 [B47] Clayton, J. M. and Young, F. S., “Estimating Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines,” …
[B48] Clerici, A., Ruckstuhl, G., and Vian, A., “Influence of Shunt Reactors on Switching Surges,…
[B49] Darveniza, M., Hurley, J. J., and Limbourn, G. S., “Design of Overhead Transmission Lines f…
[B50] Darveniza, M., Limbourn, G. J., and Prentice, S. A., “Line Design and Electrical Properties…
[B51] Darveniza, M. and Sargent, M. A., “The Calculation of Double Circuit Outage Rate of Transmi…
[B52] Darveniza, M. and Sargent, M. A., “Lightning Performance of Double Circuit Transmission Lin…
[B53] Dick, E. P., et al., “Practical Calculation of Switching Surges at Motor Terminals,” IEEE T…
[B54] Dick, E. P., et al., “Prestriking Voltages Associated With Motor Breaker Closing,” IEEE Tra…
[B55] Durham, M. and Lockerd, C., “NEC Article 725-Cost Effective Control Wiring,” IEEE Transacti…
[B56] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Chapter 17. Pittsburgh, PA: Westin…
[B57] Endrenyi, J., “Analysis of Transmission Tower Potential During Ground Faults,” IEEE Transac…
[B58] Erickson, A. J., Meal, D. V., and Stringfellow, M. F., “Lightning Induced Overvoltages on O…
[B59] Gaibrois, G. L., “Lightning Current Magnitude Through Distribution Arresters,” IEEE Transac…
[B60] Garton, H. L. and Stolt, H. K., “Field Tests and Corrective Measures for Suppression of Tra…
[B61] Garton, H. L. and Stolt, H. K., “Protection of Solid-State Devices from Transients,” Transm…
[B62] Gilman, D. W. and Whitehead, E. R., “The Mechanism of Lightning Flashover on High Voltage a…
[B63] Gooding, F. H. and Slade, H. B., “Shielding of Communication Cables—Part I on Communication…
49 [B64] Gupta, B. K., Lloyd, B. A., Stone, G. C., and Nilsson, N. E., “Turn Insulation Capability o…
[B65] Gupta, B. K., Nilsson, N. E., and Sharma, D. K., “Protection of Motors Against High Voltage…
[B66] Harvey, S. M. and Ponke, W. J., “Electromagnetic Shielding of a System Computer in a 230-kV…
[B67] Harvey, S. M. and Vlah, Z. J., “Multi-Frequency Surge Withstand Capability Tests for Protec…
[B68] Hicks, R. L. and Jones, D. E., “Transient Voltages on Power Station Wiring,” IEEE Transacti…
[B69] Hopkinson, R. H., “Ferroresonant Overvoltages Due to Open Conductors,” G. E. Distribution M…
[B70] Jackson, D. W., “Surge Protection of Rotating Machines,” in IEEE Tutorial Course, Surge Pro…
[B71] Johnson, I. B., Schultz, A. J., Schultz, N. R., and Shores, R. B., “Some Fundamentals on Ca…
[B72] Kotheimer, W. C., “The Influence of Station Design on Control Circuit Transients,” in Ameri…
[B73] Kotheimer, W. C. and Mankoff, L. L., “Electromagnetic Interference and Solid-State Protecti…
[B74] Lear, C. M., McCann, G. D., and Wagner, C. F., “Shielding of Substations,” AIEE Transaction…
[B75] Lee, R. H., “Grounding of Computers and Other Similar Sensitive Equipment,” IEEE Transactio…
[B76] Lee, R. H., “Lightning Protection of Buildings,” IEEE Transactions, vol. IAS-15, no. 3, pp….
[B77] Lee, R. H., “Protection Zone for Buildings Against Lightning Strokes Using Transmission Lin…
[B78] Lenk, D. W., Koepfinger, J. L., and Sakich, J. D., “Utilization of Polymer Enclosed Interme…
[B79] Lewis, W. H., “Recommended Power and Signal Grounding for Control and Computer Rooms,” IEEE…
50 [B80] Lewis, W. H., “The Use and Abuse of Insulated/Isolated Grounding,” IEEE Transactions on Ind…
[B81] Link, H., “Shielding of Modern Substations Against Direct Lightning Strokes,” IEEE Transact…
[B82] Lishchyna, L., “Discussion of Field and Analytical Studies of Transmission Line Shielding—P…
[B83] McCann, G. D., “The Effect of Corona on Coupling Factors Between Ground Wires and Phase Con…
[B84] Maggioli, V. J., “Grounding and Computer Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applica…
[B85] Marieni, G. J. and Sonneman, W. K., “A Review of Transient Voltages in Control Circuits,” W…
[B86] Masamitsu, H., “A New Threat—EMI Effect by Indirect ESD on Electronic Equipment,” IEEE Tran…
[B87] Miakopar, A. S., Elektrichesvo, no. 1, pp. 208–235, 1964.
[B88] Mitani, H., “Magnitude and Frequency of Transient Induced Voltage in Low Voltage Control Ci…
[B89] Mousa, A. M., “A Computer Program For Designing the Lightning Shielding Systems of Substati…
[B90] Mousa, A. M., “Shielding of High Voltage and Extra High Voltage Substations,” IEEE Transact…
[B91] Mousa, A. M. and Srivasla, K. D., “The Implications of the Electrogeometric Model Regarding…
[B92] O’Neil, J. and Richmond, R., “Magnetic Field Penetration through Protective Metal Shields,”…
[B93] Osburn, J. D. M. and White, D. R. J., “Grounding—A Recommendation for the Future,” in 1987 …
[B94] Patterson, Neal A., “Carrier Frequency Interference from HVDC Systems,” IEEE Transactions o…
[B95] Rocamora, R. G., et al., “Fault Clearing Overvoltages on Long Transformer Terminated Lines,…
[B96] Sargent, M. A., “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Lightning Performance of Overhead Shielding …
51 [B97] Smith, K. and Voorhees, A., “Earth Shielding EMI-Shielded Facilities,” EMC Technology, Mar….
[B98] Smith, L. E., “Voltages Induced in Control Cables from Arcing 500-kV Switches,” IEEE Confer…
[B99] Stump, K. B., Teleander, S. H., and Wilhelm, M. R., “Surge Limiters for Vacuum Circuit Brea…
[B100] Sunde, E. O., Earth Conductor Effects in Transmission Systems. New York: Van Nostrand, 1949.
[B101] Sutton, H. J., “Transient Pickup in 500 kV Control Circuits,” in American Power Conference…
[B102] Tepper, E. P., “Shielding to Control the Electronic Environment,” Electrical Systems Desig…
[B103] Transmission Line Reference Book—345 kV and Above, Chapters 2, 9, 11, and 12. Palo Alto, C…
[B104] Tseng, F. K., et al., “Instrumentation and Control in EHV Substations,” IEEE Transactions …
[B105] Wagner, C. F., Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, 4th ed., Pittsburg…
[B106] Westinghouse Electric Corporation Relay Engineers, “Protection Against Transients and Surg…
[B107] Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Handbook, Chapter 14, Section 10, p. 519, Analo…
[B108] Whitehead, E. R., “Mechanism of Lightning Flashover,” EEI RP 50, Pub. 72-900, Feb. 1971.
[B109] Zinder, David A., “Frequency Variable Parameters of EMI Protective Devices,” EMC Technolog…
[B110] Zipse, D. W., “Grounding for Process Control Computers and Distributed Control Systems: Th…
IEEE C62.23 1995