FEMA P 361 2015
FEMA P-361 – Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes, Third Edition
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
FEMA | 2015 | 189 |
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes |
4 | Preface |
5 | Table of Contents |
13 | Introduction to FEMA P-361 |
16 | Part A |
17 | CHAPTER A1 – Purpose and Background |
18 | A1.1 Purpose |
19 | A1.2 Background on FEMA Safe Room DesignHistory and ICC Code Development A1.2.1 Development of FEMA Safe Room Guidance |
20 | A1.2.2 Development of ICC 500 A1.2.3 ICC 500 Comparison with FEMA P-361 |
21 | A1.2.4 FEMA Safe Room Grant Funding Program A1.3 Safe Room Terminology |
22 | A1.3.1 Terminology |
23 | A1.3.2 Types of Safe Rooms |
24 | A1.4 Deciding Whether to Install a Safe Room |
26 | CHAPTER A2 – Extreme-Wind Risk Assessmentand Analysis |
27 | A2.1 Risk Assessment A2.1.1 Assessing Threat A2.1.1.1 Tornado Threat |
31 | A2.1.1.2 Hurricane Threat |
34 | A2.1.2 Assessing Vulnerability A2.1.2.1 Assessing Building Vulnerability |
35 | A2.1.2.2 Assessing Vulnerable Population |
36 | A2.2 Risk Analysis A2.2.1 Analyzing Risk A2.2.2 Considering Multi-Hazards in Safe Room Design |
38 | CHAPTER A3 – Costs and Benefit-Cost Analysis A3.1 Safe Room Costs A3.1.1 Design Parameters That Affect Safe Room Costs |
40 | A3.1.2 Cost and Size Data from Constructed and Proposed Safe Room Projects A3.1.3 New Construction versus Retrofit |
41 | A3.1.4 Cost of Hurricane Community Safe Room versus Combined Tornado and Hurricane Community Safe Room A3.2 Benefit-Cost Analysis A3.2.1 Benefit-Cost Analysis Software A3.2.2 Determining Project Benefits |
43 | CHAPTER A4 – Operation and MaintenanceConsiderations for CommunitySafe Rooms |
44 | A4.1 Safe Room O&M Plan Objectives and Parameters A4.1.1 Safe Room Design A4.1.2 Multi-Use versus Single-Use |
45 | A4.1.3 Duration of Occupancy |
46 | A4.1.4 Intended Occupants |
47 | A4.2 Staffing and Personnel Considerations A4.2.1 Roles and Responsibilities A4.2.2 Contact Lists |
48 | A4.2.3 Staff Training |
49 | A4.2.4 Work Shifts A4.3 Community Outreach and Notification A4.3.1 Identifying Potential Safe Room Occupant Population and Providing Information |
50 | A4.3.2 Signage |
51 | A4.3.3 Expectation of Safe Room Use during Off-Hours A4.3.4 Information on the Access and FunctionalNeeds of Potential Safe Room Occupants A4.3.5 Alert Signals and Drills |
52 | A4.3.6 Pets |
53 | A4.4 Emergency Provisions A4.4.1 Food and Water A4.4.2 Communications Equipment A4.4.3 Emergency Supplies (ICC 500 Sec 702.4 and 703.7) |
54 | A4.5 Access and Entry A4.5.1 Parking A4.5.2 Entering the Safe Room |
55 | A4.5.3 Registering Occupants A4.5.4 Locking Down the Safe Room |
56 | A4.6 Operations during an Event A4.6.1 Security A4.6.2 First Aid and Health Services |
57 | A4.6.3 Communication A4.7 Post-Event Operations A4.8 Maintenance |
59 | Part B |
60 | CHAPTER B1 – Application and Administration B1.1 Criteria |
61 | B1.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary B1.2.1 Single-Use and Multi-Use Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 104) B1.2.1.1 Multi-Use Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 104.1) |
62 | B1.2.1.2 Single-Use Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 104.2) |
64 | B1.2.2 Permitting, Review, andInspections (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 105 and 106) |
65 | B1.2.2.1 Permitting and Code Compliance B1.2.2.2 Peer Review (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 106.1.1) |
66 | B1.2.2.3 Special Inspections and Acceptance (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 106.2, 106.3) B1.2.2.4 Structural Observations (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 106.4) |
67 | B1.2.3 Construction Documents (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 107) B1.2.3.1 Quality Assurance / Quality Control (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 107.3) |
68 | B1.2.4 Design Information Signage and Labeling (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 108) |
70 | CHAPTER B2 – Definitions |
75 | CHAPTER B3 – Structural Design B3.1 Criteria B3.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary |
76 | B3.2.1 General Approach to the Structural Design of Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC Sec 301) B3.2.1.1 Design Considerations and Safe Room Types |
77 | B3. Stand-Alone Safe Rooms B3. Internal Safe Rooms |
78 | B3.2.1.2 Structural and Building Envelope Characteristics of Safe Rooms B3.2.2 Load Combinations (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 302) B3.2.3 Non-Wind Load Considerations (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 303) |
79 | B3.2.3.1 Rain Loads B3.2.3.2 Roof Live Loads B3.2.3.3 Flood Loads B3.2.3.4 Seismic Loads and Seismic Detailing |
80 | B3.2.4 Wind Loads and Design (ICC 500 Sec 304) B3.2.4.1 Design Wind Speeds for Safe Rooms B3. Background on Safe Room Design Wind Speed Maps |
83 | B3. Tornado Design Wind Speed Map (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 304.2) |
84 | B3. Hurricane Design Wind Speed Map (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 304.2) B3. Wind Speeds for Alaska |
85 | B3. Potential for Exceeding Design Wind Speed |
86 | B3.2.4.2 Calculating Wind Loads B3. Parameters for Calculating Wind Pressures |
87 | B3. Using the ASCE 7 Directional Procedure |
92 | B3. Combination of Wind Loads: MWFRS and C&C |
93 | B3.2.4.3 Continuous Load Path Concepts |
95 | B3. Anchorages and Connections B3. Roof Connections and Roof-to-Wall Connections |
96 | B3. Foundation-to-Wall Connections (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 308) |
97 | B3.2.5 Debris Hazards (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 305) |
98 | B3.2.5.1 Test Missile Criteria for Tornado Community Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 305.1.1) B3.2.5.2 Test Missile Criteria for Hurricane Community Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 305.1.2) |
99 | B3.2.5.3 Test Missile Criteria for Residential Safe Rooms |
100 | B3.2.5.4 Soil Cover as Protection from Debris Impact |
101 | B3.2.5.5 Lay Down, Rollover, Collapse, and Large Falling/Flying Debris Hazards (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 305.3) |
104 | B3.2.6 Component Design and Testing (Reference: ICC Sec 306) |
107 | CHAPTER B4 – Siting B4.1 Criteria |
110 | B4.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary B4.2.1 General Siting Considerations B4.2.1.1 Function and Use |
111 | B4.2.1.2 Safety B4.2.1.3 Access |
112 | B4.2.1.4 Siting Proximity to Other Buildings B4.2.1.5 Siting Proximity to Occupants for Residential Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 401) B4.2.1.6 Siting Proximity to Occupants for Community Safe Rooms |
113 | B4.2.1.7 Manmade Siting Hazards(Reference: ICC 500 Sec 402) |
114 | B4.2.1.8 Other Criteria to Consider B4.2.2 Flood Hazards (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 401 and Sec 404) B4.2.2.1 General Flood Hazard Siting / Elevation |
117 | B4.2.2.2 Flood Design Criteria for Community Safe Rooms |
120 | B4.2.2.3 Flood Design Criteria for Residential Safe Rooms |
124 | CHAPTER B5 – Occupancy, Means of Egress,Access and Accessibility B5.1 Criteria B5.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary |
125 | B5.2.1 Community Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 501) |
127 | B5.2.1.1 Calculation of Usable Floor Area of a CommunitySafe Room (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 501.1.2) |
128 | B5.2.1.2 Number of Doors for a Safe Room (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 501.2) B5.2.1.3 Emergency Escape Opening (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 501.4) |
129 | B5.2.1.4 Americans with Disabilities Act (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 501.6) B5. Travel Time and Access |
130 | B5. Access and Functional Needs B5.2.2 Residential Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 502) |
131 | B5.2.3 Locks and Latching (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 503) |
132 | B5.2.4 Signage for Community Safe Rooms (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 504) |
133 | CHAPTER B6 – Fire Safety |
135 | CHAPTER B7 – Essential Features and Accessories B7.1 Criteria |
136 | B7.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary B7.2.1 Occupancy Duration B7.2.2 Ventilation (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 702.1 and 703.1) |
137 | B7.2.3 Sanitation Management (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 702.2 and 703.2) |
138 | B7.2.4 Lighting (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 702.3 and 703.4) |
139 | B7.2.5 Standby (Emergency) Power (Reference: ICC 500 Sec 702.3, 703.4, 703.5 and 703.6) B7.2.6 Water Supply (Reference: ICC Sec 703.3) |
141 | CHAPTER B8 – Test Methods for Impact andPressure Testing B8.1 Criteria B8.2 FEMA Supplemental Commentary |
142 | B8.2.1 Wind-borne Debris in Tornadoes and Hurricanes |
147 | B8.2.1.1 Debris Potential at Safe Room Sites B8.2.1.2 Representative Missiles for Debris Impact Testing |
149 | B8. Tornado Test Missile B8. Hurricane Test Missile |
150 | B8.2.2 Resistance to Test Missile Loads and Successful Testing Criteria B8.2.2.1 Debris Impact Test Speeds for Representative Missiles |
152 | B8.2.2.2 Induced Loads from the Test Missile and Other Debris |
155 | B8.2.3 Performance of Wall and Roof Assemblies during Tornado Missile Impact Tests |
156 | B8.2.3.1 Impact Resistance of Wood Wall Assemblies B8.2.3.2 Impact Resistance of Wall Assemblies with Steel Sheathing |
157 | B8.2.3.3 Impact Resistance of Concrete Masonry Unit Wall Assemblies |
158 | B8.2.3.4 Impact Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Wall and Roof Assemblies |
161 | B8.2.4 Performance of Door, Glazed Openings, and Impact ProtectiveSystems during Debris Impact and Pressure Tests B8.2.4.1 Door Assemblies |
162 | B8.2.4.2 Glazed Opening Assemblies |
163 | B8.2.4.3 Impact Protective Systems B8.2.5 Test Laboratory Accreditation B8.2.5 Test Laboratory Accreditation |
164 | CHAPTER B9 – References and Resources |
168 | B9.1 Storm Surge Inundation Data |
170 | Appendices |
171 | APPENDIX A – Acronyms |
174 | APPENDIX B – Acknowledgments |
180 | APPENDIX C – Designer Checklist |
186 | APPENDIX D – Comparison Matrix of DifferencesBetween ICC 500 Requirements andFEMA Recommended Criteria |