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BS EN IEC 60118-9:2019


Electroacoustics. Hearing aids – Methods of measurement of the performance characteristics of bone conduction hearing aids

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BSI 2019 34
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IEC 60118-9:2019 specifies methods for the measurement of bone conduction hearing aid characteristics. The methods described will produce a suitable basis for the exchange of information or for direct comparison of the electroacoustical characteristics of bone conduction hearing aids. These methods are chosen to be practical and reproducible and are based on selected fixed parameters. The results obtained by the methods specified in this document express the performance under the conditions of measurement; however, the performance of the hearing aid under practical conditions of use will depend upon a number of factors (e.g. effective load impedance, environmental conditions, acoustical environment, etc.). This document defines methods of measurement of characteristics of bone conduction hearing aids both for â?¢ transcutaneously coupled devices measured on a mechanical coupler, meeting the requirements of IEC 60318-6, and â?¢ bone coupled/bone anchored devices measured on a skull simulator. IEC 60118-9:2019 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1985. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) includes bone coupled devices measured on a skull simulator; b) measurement frequency range increased to 8 000 Hz for bone coupled devices.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
5 Annex ZA(normative)Normative references to international publicationswith their corresponding European publications
8 English
13 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
17 4 Measurement method
4.1 General
4.2 Mechanical coupler
4.3 Skull simulator
4.4 Measurement frequency range
18 4.5 Reporting of data
5 Measurement enclosure and measurement equipment
5.1 General
5.2 Unwanted stimuli in the test enclosure
5.3 Sound source
5.4 Measurement system for the measurement of the vibratory force level produced by a bone conduction hearing aid
19 5.5 Direct-current measuring system
5.6 Magnetic field source for ETLS and MMSL measurements
20 6 Measurement conditions
6.1 General
6.2 Applying the bone vibrator to the mechanical coupler or skull simulator
6.2.1 Transcutaneously coupled devices
6.2.2 Bone coupled devices
21 6.3 Control of the sound field
Figure 1 – Example of a bone coupled device(hearing aid with integral bone vibrator) mounted on a skull simulator
22 Figure 2 – Example of a transcutaneously coupled device (spectacle hearing aidwith an integral bone vibrator mounted in the spectacle arm)under measurement
23 Figure 3 – Example of a transcutaneously coupled device (hearing aid with externalbone vibrator) mounted on the mechanical coupler
24 6.4 Ambient conditions
6.4.1 Measurement space
6.4.2 Bone vibrator, mechanical coupler and skull simulator
Table 1 – Resistors and open circuit voltages for zinc-air battery simulators
25 7 Measurement procedures
7.1 Frequency response curves
7.2 OVFL90 frequency response curve
26 7.3 Full-on acousto-mechanical sensitivity level frequency response
Figure 4 – Example of OVFL90 curve and basic force level frequency response curve
27 7.4 Basic vibratory force level frequency response
7.4.1 Measurement procedure
7.4.2 Frequency range
7.5 Total harmonic distortion
28 7.6 Equivalent input noise
7.7 Battery current
7.8 Measurements for hearing aids having an induction pick-up coil
7.8.1 General
Table 2 – Distortion test frequencies and input sound pressure levels
29 7.8.2 Equivalent test loop sensitivity (ETLS)
7.8.3 Maximum HFA magneto-mechanical sensitivity level (HFA- MMSL) of induction pick-up coil
8 Maximum permitted expanded uncertainty of measurements
30 Figure 5 – Relationship between tolerance limits, corresponding acceptanceintervals and the maximum permitted uncertainty of measurement, UMAX
31 Table 3 – Example uncertainty budget
32 Bibliography
BS EN IEC 60118-9:2019