SAE – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png SAE – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 TU-002:2015 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/tu-002/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:12 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/tu-002/ 48-Volt Developments
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2015-11-09 150
Development of higher-voltage electrical systems in vehicles has been slowly progressing over the past few decades. However, tightening vehicle efficiency and emissions regulations and increasing demand for onboard electrical power means that higher voltages, in the form of supplemental 48 V subsystems, may soon be nearing production as the most cost-effective way to meet regulations. The displacement of high-wattage loads to more efficient 48 V networks is expected to be the next step in the development of a new generation of mild hybrid vehicles.

In addition to improved fuel economy and reduced emissions, 48 V systems could potentially save costs on new electrical features and help better address the emerging needs of future drivers. Challenges to 48 V system implementation remain, leading to discussions by experts from leading car makers and suppliers on the need for an international 48 V standard. Initial steps toward a proposed standard have already been taken. So the consensus of global forecasts suggests that 48 V mild hybrids will soon come to dominate the market. Compared with 200-600 V full hybrid and battery electric vehicles, the lower-voltage approach avoids the need for high-cost safety features and large battery packs.

TU-003:2017 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/tu-003/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:12 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/tu-003/ Advances in Electric Propulsion
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2017-05-18 86
Aviation propulsion development continues to rely upon fossil fuels for the vast majority of commercial and military applications. Until these fuels are depleted or abandoned, burning them will continue to jeopardize air quality and provoke increased regulation. With those challenges in mind, research and development of more efficient and electric propulsion systems will expand. Fuel-cell technology is but one example that addresses such emission and resource challenges, and others, including negligible acoustic emissions and the potential to leverage current infrastructure models. For now, these technologies are consigned to smaller aircraft applications, but are expected to mature toward use in larger aircraft. Additionally, measures such as electric/conventional hybrid configurations will ultimately increase efficiencies and knowledge of electric systems while minimizing industrial costs. Requirements for greater flight time, stealth characteristics, and thrust-to-power ratios adds urgency to the development of efficient propulsion methods for applications such as UAVs, which looks to technologies such as asymmetrical capacitors to enhance electric propulsion efficiency. This book will take the reader through various technologies that will enable a more-electric aircraft future, as well as design methods and certification requirements of more-electric engines.

T-142:2019 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-142/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:11 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-142/ Additive Manufacturing for Designers: A Primer
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2019-02-15 92
Additive Manufacturing, also known as AM or 3D printing, is a class of manufacturing processes that create objects by shaping material layer by layer. Having demonstrated the ability to produce miraculously complex geometries, it is broadly claimed that AM will have endless applications as the technology improves. However, underneath the hype surrounding this technology is a world of nuance and constraints as well as highly strategic applications.

Additive Manufacturing for Designers: A Primer, written by Dr. Amy Elliott from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Dr. Cynthia K. Waters from North Carolina A&T State University discusses the topics needed for a holistic understanding of the many micro and macro components of the world of 3D printing.

Additive Manufacturing for Designers: A Primer takes the reader on a journey beginning with important aspects of AM part design and process dependence, including resolution and tolerance issues of interest to any manufacturer. It also offers useful insights into how to build especially complex parts and avoid expensive mistakes during and after the manufacturing process is completed.

TU-001:2016 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/tu-001/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:11 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/tu-001/ Impacting Commercialization of Rapid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2016-02-19 198
Alternative propulsion technologies are becoming increasingly important with the rise of stricter regulations for vehicle efficiency, emission regulations, and concerns over the sustainability of crude oil supplies. The fuel cell is a critical component of alternative propulsion systems, and as such has many aspects to consider in its design. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) powered by proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEFC) and fueled by hydrogen, offer the promise of zero emissions with excellent driving range of 300-400 miles, and fast refueling times; two major advantages over battery electric vehicles (BEVs). FCEVs face several remaining major challenges in order to achieve widespread and rapid commercialization. Many of the challenges, especially those from an FCEV system and subsystem cost and performance perspective are addressed in this book.

Chapter topics include:

  • impact of FCEV commercialization
  • ways to address barriers to the market introduction of alternative vehicles
  • new hydrogen infrastructure cost comparisons
  • onboard chemical hydride storage
  • optimization of a fuel cell hybrid vehicle powertrain design

T-139:2018 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-139/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:11 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-139/ Aircraft as a System of Systems: A Business Process Perspective
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2018-10-11 116
Aircraft as a System of Systems: A Business Process Perspective, written by Sean Barker, FBCS CEng and a former research scientist at BAE Systems in the UK, explains how developing even simple parts like a lever needs several different types of knowledge before moving on to the complications of designing a system.

Today’s airframers have taken on more of the role of systems integrators, putting the focus on the aircraft as a system-of-many-systems. Whereas an aircraft integrates many different systems into a single design, the system of systems which supports it is built by federating the systems of the different organizations, which were built and run independently of each other.

Aircraft as a System of Systems: A Business Process Perspective provides a thorough analysis of how building aircraft taps into a huge pool of knowledge, how its complexity is also reflected in the numerous process links that exchange knowledge between different groups. But unlike conventional business processes, design processes do not follow one step after another – rather, a decision made at one point in the design is communicated to other areas of the design, which may in turn feed back new constraints that force the first decision to be revised.

T-141:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-141/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:11 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-141/ Aerospace Predictive Maintenance
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2020-12-30 140
Aerospace Predictive Maintenance: Fundamental Concepts, written by longtime practitioner Charles E. Dibsdale based in the UK, considers PdM a subset of
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), and must obey the same underlying rules
and pre-requisites that apply to it. Yet, PdM is new because it takes advantage of
emerging digital technology in sensing, acquiring data, communicating the data,
and processing it. This capability can autonomously analyse the data and send
alerts and advice to decision makers, potentially reducing through-life cost and
improving safety.

Aerospace Predictive Maintenance: Fundamental Concepts provides a history of maintenance, and how performance, safety and the environment make direct demands on maintenance to deliver more for less in multiple industries. It also covers Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) that aims to provide a platformcentric framework for PdM in the mobility domain.

The book discusses PdM maturity, offering a context of the transformation of
data through information and knowledge. Understanding some of the precepts
of knowledge management provides a really useful and powerful perspective
on PdM as an information system. On the other hand, Aerospace Predictive
Maintenance: Fundamental Concepts also discusses disadvantages of PdM
and shows how these may be addressed. One of the fundamental changes PdM
implies is a shift from deterministic black-and-white thinking to more nuanced
decision making informed by probabilities and uncertainty. Other concerns such
as data management, privacy and ownership are tackled as well.

Aerospace Predictive Maintenance: Fundamental Concepts covers additional technologies, such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) that will result in
proliferation of cheap, wireless, ultra-low-power sensors, and will transform PdM
into a more economical option. The book brings in the future possibilities of nano
technology, which can be used for new sensors, micro-robotics for inspections
and self-healing/repairing of systems which can be intergrated with PdM.

T-144:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-144/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:11 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-144/ Model Archiving and Sustainment for Aerospace Design
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2020-08-05 134
Model Archiving and Sustainment for Aerospace Design, written by Sean Barker, an industry veteran from the UK, focuses on the techniques developed by the LOTAR (Long Term Archiving and Retrieval) project, a collaboration among the major US and European
aerospace companies. Long-term archiving models follows LOTAR by taking the exchange of mechanical CAD fi le as the paradigm for long-term retention and developing general principles for model archiving. These include electrical systems, composite parts, systems engineering and requirementsengineering.

The increasing availability of model-based software has made the problems of long-term model sustainment more visible and pressing for a solution. Industries following LOTAR today include aerospace, automotive, nuclear and ship building. In the aerospace sector, the challenges are even bigger.

Model Archiving and Sustainment for Aerospace Design makes sense of the immense challenges of rapid software change to ensure that the aircraft can be profitably sustained for the next seventy years.

T-138:2019 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-138/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:10 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-138/ Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impacting Commercial Aviation
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2019-09-04 64
Written by Kirsten Koepsel, a lawyer and engineer whose work has focused on aviation cybersecurity, Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impacting Commercial Aviation addresses the big question facing aircraft manufacturers today: keep the work in house or outsource it? The ongoing battle between cost cutting and supply-chain control is ever more visible as aircraft OEMs have full order books and tight delivery schedules.

Since the 1980s, commercial aviation, like many other industries, looked for ways of more economically sourcing parts and services. The new partnerships between OEMs and suppliers at multiple levels, did make the industry nimbler and more flexible. Yet, it also introduced a higher level of instability, risks and vulnerabilities to the aviation ecosystem.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impacting Commercial Aviation discusses the
differences in requirements depending on the buyer of the aircraft (governmental or not), ranging from delivery delays to risks linked to cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT), including possible problems with faulty sensors and counterfeit parts. The book also analyses the consequences of not having visibility into lower-tier suppliers, and how prepared they are when it comes to possible disruptions such as earthquakes or political unrest.

T-135:2018 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-135/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:08 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-135/ Electric Flight Technology: The Unfolding of a New Future
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2018-05-28 83
The environmental impact of hydrocarbon-burning aircraft is one of the main motivations for the move to electric propulsion in aerospace. Also, cars, buses, and trucks are incorporating electric or hybrid-electric propulsion systems, reducing the pressure on hydrocarbons and lowering the costs of electrical components. The economies of scale necessitated by the automotive industry will help contain costs in the aviation sector as well.

The use of electric propulsion in airplanes is not a new phenomenon. However, it is only recently that it has taken off in a concrete manner with a viable commercial future.

Electric Flight Technology: Unfolding of a New Future reviews the history of this field, discusses the key underlying technologies, and describes how the future for these technologies will likely unfold, distinguishing between all-electric (AE) and hybrid-electric (HE) architectures.

Written by Dr. Ravi Rajamani, it covers the essential information needed to understand this new technology wave taking hold in the aerospace industry.

Electric Flight Technology: Unfolding of a New Future covers fundamental topics such as:

  • The history of electric propulsion, including its evolution from using traditional electricity, to solar power to batteries as sources to sustain propulsion and flight.
  • The various architectures being considered for electric aircraft, specifically small general aviation (GA) aircraft and larger business jets; single-aisle commercial aircraft; and larger twin-aisle commercial aircraft.
  • The various systems and subsystems of an electric aircraft, along with how various subsystems in the vehicle can be integrated in a more optimal manner. In the future, the existing tube-and-wing configuration will not be the only available architecture; instead we will be more likely to find an architecture where the propulsion system is embedded within the airframe.
  • The future trends in this arena and what we can expect to see in the next decade or so.
T-136:2018 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/sae/t-136/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:03:08 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/t-136/ Counterfeit Parts and Their Impact on the Supply Chain
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SAE 2018-11-15 94
Why should the supply chain be concerned if their buyers or subcontractors are purchasing counterfeit electronic parts or if their products contain counterfeit electronic parts? If these parts end up in items that are safety critical and security-risk sensitive such as aviation, space, and defense products, whole secure systems can be comprised.

As organizations have become aware of counterfeit parts, one of their responses may be to test upon acceptance or prior to receipt. But testing alone may not detect all counterfeits.

Possible sources of counterfeits include products that did not meet quality control requirements and were not destroyed, overruns sold into the market place, unauthorized production shifts, theft, and e-waste. The counterfeited electronic part ends up in the supply chain when ordered by an unsuspecting buyer, who does not confirm the originating source of the part.

The second edition of Counterfeit Parts and Their Impact on the Supply Chain expands on the latest insights of what is really happening in the world of supply chains, quality monitoring and testing, counterfeiting mitigation and avoidance strategy.

It brings new light into the consequences of weak supply-chain monitoring and how costs, reliability and reputation are negatively impacted by counterfeit products and components.
